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On Duke's Loss In the NCAA Tournament

Since my diagnosis, Duke basketball means even more than it meant to me before.

It's having something to look forward to during chemo weeks, when usually all I want during those weeks is for time to pass as quickly as possible.

It's celebrating the athleticism and fitness of the Duke players when I'm laid up from surgery and medically forbidden from exercising.

It's my mom hearing the news that my cancer is inoperable and countering that with a question about when I can transfer out of the ICU so I can watch the game later that night.

It's getting a call from Coach K the day after my surgery, closing my eyes in my hospital bed and listening to him tell me that he loves me and that the team is behind me always.

It's flying to Maui on my off-chemo week to watch my Devils take the championship on heart-stopping 3 pointers by Tyler Thornton.

It's going back on chemo 3 weeks after surgery and feeling sick and lethargic to only have those feelings wiped clean by Austin Rivers hitting that buzzer beater over Carolina.

It's more than basketball. It's family. It's inspiration. It's magic.

I'm going to miss all of that now that the season is over. I'm going to miss it so much. But it'll be back in November. That, my friends, I can count on. GO DUKE.

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