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Last Wednesday, I took off for my beloved alma mater, Duke University, for a couple of days of good times culminating with The WunderGlo Foundation's first-ever event outside of L.A.: the "Go To Hell, Cancer" 3-on-3 basketball tournament at Duke. 

It's hard to explain the feeling I get when I'm back in Durham, but it can only be described as that reassuring feeling of coming home. And what a homecoming it was. Instead of a narrative, I'm going to go stream of conscious this time around. Forgive me if this medium isn't what you're used to -- I have a feeling you're going to like it anyway.
Blue skies, Duke Chapel, Cosmic Cantina burritos (vegan, of course). Open roads, warm days, just a little sip of sweet tea (refined sugar is the devil, remember). The Duke Stores (bought a throwback snapback Duke hat that is almost too cool for me, but not quite), the Duke Gardens, the renovated Perkins Library (seriously, where did that reading room go that I used to study in all the time?!), roaming the halls in the Allen Building just like old times. Walking up to total strangers/incredibly friendly Duke students and telling them about the Foundation, getting a hug from a buzzed student whose parents are oncologists. Freshly-squeezed orange juice from Alpine - just as amazing as I'd remembered. The tortillas from Dillo were equally spectacular.

Winston and Oliver snoozing on the Bryan Center walkway as Will and my parents finally catch a breather.

The Men's Basketball Team Banquet, touring the Duke Cancer Center, meeting with the Director of Development of the Cancer Center. Planning big things.

The unforgettable feeling of pure excitement while shooting around before the tournament and seeing Coach K and his family enter the gym. Telling my cancer-killing story and explaining the mission of The WunderGlo Foundation to the tournament participants and spectators (without anything written down this time). Hitting a three -- a very low percentage three -- during one of my games while Coach K watched, hitting other shots too but not enough to win my games (still processing the losses).
Old friends, new friends, lots of laughs, lots of pictures. Mellow Mushroom pizza (vegan style) after a long and satisfying 3-on-3 basketball tournament. Not wanting to leave Durham and plotting ways to get back soon. Driving away from Duke but knowing that it is a part of me every single day. 

And there you have it. Duke is a magical place, and this trip to Durham only added to my love for my school. And you thought it was all about basketball, didn't you?!
(Note: A lot of it is about basketball. You weren't entirely wrong. But basketball is so much more than basketball.)


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