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Seize The Day

A cancer diagnosis could be the worst thing that ever happened to a person or the best thing that ever happened to a person. The general public would agree that it's the former, but all of you WunderGlo readers know that, for me, it's the latter. My diagnosis woke me up from a life that I loved, but didn't truly savor. It freed me from constraints and responsibilities that only existed in my mind. It opened my eyes to the beauty that every moment in life presents to us. And it helped me learn how to honor my body, mind, and spirit.


We hear the term "carpe diem" or "seize the day" often, but what does that really mean? For me, it means soaking up all the goodness that each moment provides, seeking extraordinary times no matter where I am or what I'm doing, and being grateful at all times for the mere fact that I am alive, well, and able to have the presence of mind to enjoy my life in the way that I do.


Yesterday, I found out that my CEA tumor marker had fallen yet again -- almost 2 whole points, to an 8.8. Chemo is working, my body feels fantastic, and cancer is, more than ever, on its way out. This news would obviously be enough to propel me into a super-charged, incredible day.


But, of course, that wasn't all that happened in my day. My cousin -- a sophomore at UC Riverside (and an academic stud there, I might add) -- and I went to Day 1 of the Coachella Music Festival in steaming hot (as in, 100 degrees) Indio, California. After the first act we rocked out to, Kendrick Lamar, we found some shade and sat down. Immediately, we agreed that we'd be going to Coachella next year, and the next year, and the next. The music, energy, fairgrounds, heat, shade, and 75,000 other concert-goers made the day so memorable it's hard to even fully process. Mazzy Star dazzled us at night, and during the day, I nourished myself with organic vegan food including a beet/carrot/celery/parsley juice (seriously, the food people at Coachella have blown me away).


Our feet were tired by the time Will picked us up from our shuttle stop. We slept like rocks.


Today, I embrace another day, so grateful to be where I am and who I am, cancer diagnosis and all. One of my favorite rappers, Childish Gambino, is set to take the stage in a couple of hours. Tonight, we get to see Radiohead live. There are few things I love more than music, and there are few groups I love more than Radiohead, so it's bound to be a powerful, super-HD type experiences. I'm trying to contain myself for fear of imploding before the set begins. It's going to be beyond, beyond, beyond awesome.


Yes, it's true. I'm seizing the hell out of this day. I hope you are, too!

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